Total Rewards'23: India Edition

Event Highlights

Pune (India), 17th October 2023

Event Summary
Charting the Future
of Total Rewards

WorldatWork’s Total Rewards Conference is a premier learning event for ambitious Total Rewards, Compensation, and Benefits professionals. It has a proven track record of providing HR professionals with insightful, strategy-focused education and networking opportunities in the United States and this event was brought to India for the first time in October 2023 by WorldatWork India.

Total Rewards'23 India Edition brought together HR leaders and Total Rewards professionals from diverse industries to collaborate, network and explore innovative ideas to elevate their organization’s strategy in Rewards, Compensation, Benefits, and Workplace Experience.

Event Kickstart
Arriving at Work
By Scott Cawood

Scott Cawood shared a comprehensive narrative encompassing the evolution of work, the age of automation, work in the fourth industrial era, measurement of work and the imperative of embracing the new work exchange. Here are the key highlights from his keynote: ‘Arriving at Work.’

Impact of Technology
Human-centric Work Future
The New Work Exchange
Panel Discussions
AI at the Helm of
Total Rewards

The panelists discussed how organizations face the intricate task of harmonizing compensation for employees and machines amid AI adoption. The transformation of traditional jobs by AI results in gig or skill-based work arrangements, posing challenges to established reward systems.

Navigating this evolving work landscape, organizations grapple with the imperative of ensuring fair compensation in the AI-driven paradigm. The panelists and the participants discussed possible approaches to tackle this.

Differential Rewards
for Different Generations

Implementing effective differential rewards involves personalization, considering factors relevant to individuals across generations.

Fostering an inclusive work environment for all age groups is crucial. The determination of one's generation involves both the date of birth and mindset, prompting a holistic approach to understanding and engaging diverse generational perspectives.

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The "High Five" workshop at Total Rewards'23 - India Edition brought participants from diverse industries together in small groups to brainstorm strategies in the areas such as employee engagement, skills and competence, benefits, recognition and total rewards, promising a brighter future. Our picks from the top 5’s identified by the participant groups:

Top 5 START Initiatives: Top 5 STOP Practices:

  ✔  Leverage AI: Embrace AI to enhance employee capabilities. Utilize AI to enhance the employee experience by leveraging technology and data.

    Conventional Rewards: Move away from conventional approaches to rewards.

  ✔  Embrace Skills: Reward employees based on their skills, strengths and potential.

    Talent Management Myths: Challenge conventional perceptions of talent management.

  ✔  Enhance Communication: Increase the frequency of communication to engage employees.

    Performance-Focused: Shift focus from performance to efforts in reward strategies.

  ✔  Democratize Choices: Offer choice and flexibility in rewards.

    Monetary Premiums: Recognize that monetary premiums aren't the sole determinant of skills.

  ✔  Long-Term Focus: Shift from short-term to long-term perspectives in rewards.

    Bureaucracy in Benefits: Eliminate bureaucratic processes in benefit administration.

Event Gallery
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Join Us at Total Rewards'24 India – Now in Two Cities!

Total Rewards comes back to India with double impact in 2024. Choose the location most convenient to you
and connect with your local Total Rewards MVPs and community folks.

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