The Future of Total Rewards & Artificial Intelligence:
Trends That are Impacting the Way We Work

Curious about the real impact of Artificial Intelligence (AI) on the Total Rewards landscape? 

AI is redefining the future of work, and it's crucial to understand that AI is not here to replace but to enhance the capabilities of Total Rewards professionals. In 2024, three significant trends will be at the forefront: 

  • Optimization of AI within Total Rewards frameworks
  • Leveraging AI to boost employee engagement 
  • Navigating the ethical dimensions of AI integration

Learn everything you need to know about AI and explore its influence on the future of Total Rewards. Gain insights into optimizing AI in total rewards frameworks, boosting employee engagement, and navigating ethical dimensions.

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Meet Our Expert Panelists
Michelle Dolan

Director of Human Resources, MNP Community & Sport Centre

Shruthi Sridharan

Regional Compensation Leader, Cognizant 

Sriram Iyer

Founder & CEO, hrtech

Don't Miss out! Harness AI for Total Rewards Success!

Who Should Attend This Session?
Rewards, Compensation & Benefits Professionals

Seeking innovative approaches to enhance compensation strategies and boost employee engagement through AI-driven solutions.

People Leaders & CHROs

Eager to explore how AI can revolutionize total rewards management, driving organizational success and fostering a culture of excellence.

Future HR Leaders and Educators

Interested in learning about AI's role in shaping the future of HR.